Radiation & hot air from one energy source

Why was DarkWave developed?

Currently industrially infrared emitters in the short and medium wavelength range have a peak power outside the optimal wavelenght range about 2,6 µm - 3,5 µm and above 4 µm. Wavelengths longer than 4 µm are absorbed by the quartz glass. Radiation spectrum above 4 µm can therefore no longer be actively used for the drying process. 
Consequently, only a small part of the infrared radiation generated (only 15 to 40% depending on the power spectrum) can be converted into drying energy. This makes the process inefficient.

Objetives of the DarkWave dryer 

(for water, glycolammonics or alcohol-based mixtures)

  • Energy savings of 30% - 40% through optimisation of the wavelength and by saving one comsumer.
  • Resolution of drying differences between coloured and black.

// What is DarkWave?

Use of radiation source which has its power peak in the range 2,0 µm-3,5 µm (1450 K – 950 K) to achieve effective absortion of radiant energy for water. This results in higher energy efficienty.
A blackend ceramic radiation source was selected for this purpose. The radiation source is not encased in quartz glass, so there is no loss of energy.
To increase the level of emission, the ceramic element is coloured black. The emissivity is thus increased from 0.45 at room temperature to up to 0.95 at room temperature. This increases the optical radiation conduction. 

//What makes the DarkWave so efficient?

The DarkWave dryer uses an energy source to emit infrared radiation and generate hot air. Currently IR/TL drying systems use two loads, a quartz infrared radiation source and an external heating coil.
The increase in efficienty is explained by the reduction from two to one consumer, the elimination of the filter property of quartzz glass above 4 µm and the optimisation of the shaft length.

// What types of DarkWave radiations are available?

The DarkWave radiator is designed as a hollow body with an open air otlet of 3-20 mm on the end of the hollow body.
Alternatively, the DarkWave radiator is designed as a hollow body without an air outlet at the end. In this case. the air outlet is provided by several recesses (round or square, in different sizes, in variable numbers) in the ceramic element.