With the Final Plate Cleaner you can optimise your plate cleaning outside the press. Whether decentralised at each press or centralised for all presses, Duo-Technik offers all sizes from 1600 mm width to 3600 mm width. Special sizes are also available on request.

// Why a Final Plate Cleaner?

Starting Position:

  • The operator clean the cliché next to the printing machine by hand
  • or there is a manual central cleaning station for cliché in the factory
  • The clichés are cleaned with hand brushes, water and soap (no defined cleaning, no defined application of water and soap, the clichés can be damaged by mechanical cleaning)

Advantages of a central usage of a FPC:

  • Parallel cleaning of up to 4 clichés. This saves personnel costs.
  • Defined cleaning and defined consumptions.
  • Longer life time of clichés thanks to contactless cleaning.

Advantages of a decentral usage of a FPC:

  • The operator has more time to control the production.
  • Defined cleaning and defined consumption.
  • Longer life time of clichés thanks to contactless cleaning.

Manual Cleaning, Central usage

500 Clichés per month, 6.000 clichés per year

5 minutes for manual cleaning
= 500 h cleaning per year
= 500 h * 40 EUR/h = 20.000 Euro 

FPC Cleaning, Central Usage

500 Clichés per month, 6.000 clichés per year

1,5 minutes manual cleaning
= 150 h cleaning per year 
= 150 h * 30 EUR/h = 4.500 Euro
(depreciation 30 TEUR/5 Jahren)
= 150 h * 40 EUR/h = 6.000 Euro
(personnel cost)
► 9.500 Euro savings per year